Thursday, September 28, 2023

Blog #9: EOTO, Echo Chamber

What is an Echo Chamber:

A situation in which people only hear of one type or opinion that are similar to their own.

What are some examples of Echo Chambers:

News platforms and social media are excellent examples of an echo chamber. Like Fox News, everything that they speak about is republican based. When it comes to social media (TikTok, Twitter, Facebook) your feed is an echo chamber. It pushes you information that you have previously liked and enjoyed.

More examples of Echo Chambers:

A non-social media echo chamber is the group of people you surround yourself with. Echo Chamber are one of the main reasons people love social media, you get to see what you want to see.

Why are Echo Chambers Dangerous:

In today's society, 61% of millenials get their news from social media. Social media is full of false news and propaganda. Another reason echo chambers are dangerous is because they promote unhealthy habits for people, and create negative mental health in people. One of the biggest dangers and most calamitous aspect of echo chambers is that they tend to lead to a lack of original thoughts, dissenting opinions, and challenging ideas.”

Why do people like Echo Chambers:

Like I said previously, why do people like Fox News and CNN? They tell you what you want to hear based off of their followings. Another reason is because they shelter people from the real world, and let people live in their own little fairy tale. When you are trapped in an echo chamber everything is exactly how you want it to be. You are also surrounded by like-minded individuals.

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